The Main Project Partners are
1) Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd (View Profile)
2) Janastu
3) Mapunity
4) RCSD (Resources Centre for Sustainable Development)
5) CREDA (Chatisgarh State Renewable Development Agency)
Why GIS and Knowledge Management Tools for Remote Village Electrification Projects?
Shri Shakti Alternative Energy Ltd (SSAEL) has carried out electrification of remote villages in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Chattisgarh. The difficulties faced in the field by SSAEL in location the remote villages, site survey and installation of the projects on the ground have given an insight into the common set of information tools that are needed for planning and implmentation of remote villages electrification projects. For instance, in Arunachal, we found that after doing the site survey of the village, when the installation crew went back with the materials for installing the solar power plant the whole village has shifted because the village moved to a greener pasture of the hillside after the old spot has depleted. Similarly, it was observed that the development activities of the village were not synergised with the electrification of the village as the electrification was carried out by one department whereas other departments such as rural development, water & sanitation, health and education departments were responsible for most of the activities / development programs. No common database is shared between these departments. Determining the status of electrification of a remote village is difficult as the Ministry of Power and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in the Central Government are not aware of the list of remote villages to be electrified as this information is supposed to be known to the state governments. The state governments rely on the distric authorities. In general, the people or departments that are planning the remote village electrification projects find it difficult to obtain reliable data. In many cases, when a village is survyed for electrification with renewables it is found that it has already been electrified, may be through Rural Electrification Corporation which is a central body and that information may not be available with the state authorities.
The project GIS and Knowledge Management Tools under GAPFund of GVEP has been conceived and proposed by SSAEL to build capacity at the national level to plan and implement remote village electrification projects. It also expected the common data base will provide accurate information of the remote village that will help other developomental agencies to plan their activities / programs post electrification. The power of participatory approach will allow the stakeholders to add / update information so that it is continously remains useful.
Janastu takes ICT solutions and services to organisations involved in the social development sector.The mission of Janastu is to e-nable the social development sector to actively manage their community-based knowledge.Janastu, since 2002, has been providing free and open source (FOSS) solutions and support to small not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations (NPOs/NGOs). This includes one-on-one consulting regarding the information management needs of the NPOs/NGOs, building their online and offline knowledge bases, providing support to their projects, designing web-sites, configuring news-filters, helping them migrate to open source solutions, localization and Indian language support issues, geographic information collection, and comprehensive or modular software development. Janastu has also created and helped to maintain a number of online communities, including the tsunami reconstruction knowledge center, and egovernance, organic farming, craft network, village tourism or IT-and-Society portals. Sharing the team at Servelots, we have been able to customize the Pantoto Communities software for their needs. Pantoto communities facilitates online community spaces, where people and organizations can network, communicate, gather and disseminate information related to particular social development issues.
"Let it be.. People!"
RCSD is an S&T- NGO registered under the Society registration Act XXI of 1860, dated 29 August 04 and under section 12A(a) of the Income-tax Act 1961, and is eligible to the benefits of deduction under u/s 80G of the Income-tax Act, 1961 in the hands of the donors.
Activities of RCSD concerning the earth finite resources, is signified by the green background and blue shade. A larger than life representation in a human shape reflects the realization that, it is the earth today, which is in need of being protected by human beings, whom the planet has provided shelter so far. The earth represented in a girded crucible represents the scientific and analytical approach of RCSD in its activities. A halo emanating from the human shape signifies energy and knowledge that RCSD utilizes to make the Earth a better place to live in. The protruding edges of the arms and the body through the grided earth represent the breakthroughs that RCSD is constantly thriving to achieve. Finally the white shade of the “RCSD” insignia reflects transparency, honesty and a clear conscience in its approach towards its goal.
With a firm belief and commitments towards sustainable development, RCSD seeks partnership amongst user groups, CBOs, NGOs, Donors, Govt. Agencies and other partners in its battle towards sustainable development, for delivering a more environmentally stable, just and healthier world.