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You are here: GVEP  >  Proposal  >  D MDG Relevance and Sustainability  >  Sustainability and Risks
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Project sustainability after completion, both institutionally and financially
Posted by: saranga Member of Group website
Updated: 2006-11-09 18:46:43
Category: GVEP > Proposal > D MDG Relevance and Sustainability > Sustainability and Risks

    The capacity building activity needs to be sustained through continuous training activities at various levels, funding for sustained training / capacity needs in future would be required. It is expected that MNES and its state nodal agencies for implementation of RVEPs would fund the future requirements. The project stakeholders are expected to maintain / update the information resources (such as biomass availability) on account of the participatory approach adopted and it may be possible that no separate funding needs to be allocated for this purpose.

    Both SSAEL and JANASTU are interested in the tools that result from this project and have the experience in development and deployment of those tools. Our objective is to develop a revenue model for the support services based on the toolset and not only sustain, but also further develop the same based on this project. (Both organizations are committed to the fields of energy services and ICTs for social development projects respectively and will aim to sustain this project financially by an appropriate revenue model acceptable to the various stakeholders.

Who would be hosting and administrating the common database? How will it continue to work after the project is over?

SSAEL and Janastu will host and administer the common database for the duration of the project. The database would contain information including: demographics, geographical coordinates, economic and developmental parameters, details of energy sources - availability and utility etc bookmarked spatially on the GIS maps. These databases would be useful for policy / program planners, implementation agencies, energy equipment / service providers and the local community of stakeholders.

Considering the utility and the efficacy of the common database on GIS platform by the various stakeholders cited above, attempts would be made to create a revenue model that would ensure not only the financial sustainability of the databases but also would ensure the updation of the data on a dynamic basis.

Further, during the capacity building exercises through the training workshops officials of MNES and other state and central developmental agencies would be motivated to adopt and use the common database.


Sustainability and Risks
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