First track being the data capture from secondary sources and from field surveys (this is a part of the Assam Energy Development Agencies work that will be awarded to SSAEL) and.
The second track being the development of software tools by JANASTU for capacity development and knowledge management as per the methodology given above.
Monitoring will be a part of the periodic project development and review meetings of the joint project team of SSAEL and JANASTU. At each stage and at periodic intervals the project Tasks and Deliverables will be reviewed and necessary actions will be planned and duties and responsibilities assigned.
Reporting plan will consist of monthly reports by the Task Manager to the GVEP GAPfund Management Team in format provided or against the Tasks and Deliverables of the project. Problems encountered and challenges in the implementation of the project will be highlighted to seek the advice and guidance of GVEP Team's global experts. Inputs will be taken from the support services being developed by GVEP Partners in other countries to enhance the project implementation methodology.